Last week it was great to meet with FE chaplains and college staff from across the region for a morning’s learning and sharing together in Birmingham. The event, organised by FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts, included sharing the findings of…
Last week it was great to meet with FE chaplains and college staff from across the region for a morning’s learning and sharing together in Birmingham. The event, organised by FE Chaplaincy Ambassador Nigel Roberts, included sharing the findings of…
“I can’t overstate how great this event was and how awesome it was to be a part of it.” This was the reaction of one attendee at this year’s Just Love National Gathering, which took place this year for the…
28th November 2024 saw the latest in the Religion Media Centre’s series of Creating Connections events taking place at Molineux football ground in Wolverhampton. The event brought together representatives of local faith communities and journalists, providing opportunities for those in…
Religion & Worldviews Home Educators’ Fund Are you a home educating parent or guardian in the West Midlands region? We are excited to announce the launch of a new, pilot Religion & Worldviews Home Educators’ Fund, OPEN NOW! Home educating parents and…
An online event to launch John Prockter’s novel for young people, Hikaru: Name Above All Names takes place on 28 February 2024 at 7pm. You can register on Eventbrite here. Read more about the genesis of Hikaru on an earlier…
Colleges sought to take part in new project on religious literacy in Further Education! St Peter’s Saltley Trust is pleased to be partnering with researchers from the Open University and elsewhere in this exciting new project. The Project in Brief…
A project looking at faith in ‘edgy’ and marginal places, and how that faith develops, changes and grows – from the University of Roehampton, in collaboration with St Peter’s Saltley Trust, the Susanna Wesley Foundation, and the Church Mission Society….
RE:Connect Teacher Fellowship Programme on RE and environment/climate crisis is now open for its second cohort (starting September 2022) thanks to funding from Culham St Gabriel’s Trust. Click here for further details of how to apply! You can hear about…
You can also follow the project on Twitter: @Climate_and_RE and sign up to a mailing list (hosted JISCmail) here.
The BSL Bible Project, a long-term initiative to provide a recognised translation of the whole Bible into British Sign Language, has been featured on BBC’s See, Hear programme on 1 March 2023! There is also an article on the BBC…