This year at Saltley Trust has involved a lot of writing up, but gradually the fruits of this work are seeing the light of day! ‘What Difference does A-Level RS Make?’ explores the changing values and worldviews of A-Level RS…
Our latest Trust newsletter is now available here. You can also read previous newsletters, and subscribe to receive future newsletters regularly. Happy reading!
Christians in Practice explores how community activity and Christian learning feed each other. Based on interviews and surveys with 30 Anglican churches in the Dioceses of Birmingham and Lichfield, the project sought to help congregations Understand better what drives the practical…
You can now download the first eight bulletins from the Kingdom at Work project from our website for free. These cover a range of faith and work related topics, including the economy, chaplaincy, spirituality in the workplace, and more. You…
It’s 75 years since Abp William Temple’s seminal Malvern conference, on the ‘ordering of a new society’ after WWII. The University of Worcester and the William Temple Foundation are running a new conference on social justice for tomorrow, 23-25 June 2016….
As ‘What Helps Disciples Grow?’ took shape over the last 18 months, Simon Foster kept us posted on project developments and thoughts through his project blog Watching the Flocks. Here, Simon writes some initial reflections on the day, in: Celebrating Discipleship. A write…
Apparently on this day in 1931, the first edition of the Highway Code was published. On the same day in 2016, we’ve taken receipt of two new Trust publications! The first delivery was a pile of boxes containing pristine copies of What…
‘Did you know, Christian worship has been taking place on this site for well over 1000 years?’ asked Revd Philip Wells, rector of Polesworth Abbey. Whispers of ‘wow!’ and ‘awesome’ rippled around the group of school children standing in the…
Check out latest news on our ‘What Helps Disciples Grow?’ Celebration and Exploration event on 19th April 2016. Download the flyer here: What Helps Disciples Grow – Flyer