Two organisations we’ve been partnering with over the last couple of years have exciting staff vacancies at the moment: If you’re passionate about how the church can partner with others in tackling a wide range of social issues including poverty,…
Not long to wait now until the launch of Christians in Practice, written by Simon Foster and researched by a team from the Church Urban Fund and St Peter’s Saltley Trust. Based on research with churches and their members in…
It’s great to hear of new initiatives and resources inspired by our What Helps Disciples Grow? research, and today it was great to be introduced to a new one! Shuffle is a pack of 40 cards designed for use with…
In a new partnership project with St Peter’s Saltley Trust, Unlock are advertising for a part-time (8hr pw) worker for a two-year project to help explore the potential of social media and mobile learning as a medium for engaging in…
Over the last few months we’ve been hard at work listening to church members’ thoughts in the questionnaires and interviews collected, and beginning to put some thoughts down on paper. On 19 October we’ll be sharing findings from the research…
We’re pleased to welcome Phil Metcalf as the new further education chaplaincy ambassador for the West Midlands region. This new role provides strategic support and development for the churches’ work with colleges of further education within the West Midlands region,…
Blog readers may be interested to know of the new ‘Visible Discipleship’ report just published by the Social Responsibility Network of the Church of England and Church in Wales. This makes a strong case for seeing what has traditionally been…
What does Christian entrepreneurship look like? This theme is explored in latest edition of the Kingdom at Work Bulletin which has been produced collaboratively between the Kingdom at Work Project and Ridley Hall’s Faith in Business initiative. You can find…
Happy New Year from all of us at St Peter’s Saltley Trust! Want to know what we’re up to? You can read our latest newsletter here.
St Peter’s Saltley Trust is pleased to announce a new initiative to help churches and church organisations learn from their practice. Saltley Research and Evaluation can accept funded commissions to undertake research or evaluation work with a Christian focus, and…